Now, I loooveee pumpkin. In stews, pies, breads, pancakes. Yes, pumpkin pancakes are extremely delicious. It's like a pumpkin pie, mixed with pumpkin bread, and just the right flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg... and that beautiful orange color! All the things that make fall wonderful.
Simply Yummy Pumpkin Pancakes
1 1/2 cup whole wheat (or multigrain) flour (I use Arrowhead Mills Multigrain Mix)
1 cup Vanilla Soymilk (I really like the Silk Organic Vanilla soy, sold at Costco)
1 egg
Tons of cinnamon** + more for sprinkling after
A dash of nutmeg**
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 can Pure Pumpkin Puree (Like the kind from Libby's)
Stevia drops (or 8-10 packets of Splenda) to sweeten
1 TBSP whipped butter
1 TBSP whipped butter
**or if you have pumpkin all spice, that works too.
Combine dry ingredients first, whether by hand or blender. (I find a blender works better, in this case) Then add the egg, soymilk, and remaining ingredients. Blend until a smooth consistecy is made.
(The temperature of the skillet is the most crucial factor in the success of the pancake. The skillet must be hot enough that water droplets dance on the skillet and smoke rises from the skillet, but must not be any hotter. Chefs recommend that you wipe a skillet that is too hot with a wad of wet paper towels, then allow the skillet to smoke before proceeding.)
Once skillet is heated, spray with non-stick cooking spray, and carefully pour batter to make a 5" circle. Allow bubbles to form, and flip. Continue until all the batter is gone. Sprinkle finished pancakes with cinnamon and a dollop of whipped cream (or your favorite vegan substitute) and enjoyyy!
I know I did. ♥
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